New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Common Ringlet

Coenonympha tullia

Identification: Very small—1.4". Almost never seen with wings open. Below: Variably grayish HW (darker toward base) contrasts with bright tawny inner FW; the FW often sports a small black eyespot near the apex. Both wings crossed by an irregular median line bordered outwardly with a “sunburst” white area. Appears lighter in color than Little Wood-Satyr and the orange tones in FW are often visible in flight.

NJ Status and Distribution: Resident. A northern species that was first reported in NJ in 1994. Now fairly common and widespread in Sussex, Warren, Morris, and northern Passaic counties.

NJ Range Map-Common Ringlet

Habitat: Grasslands and hayfields.

Flight Period: Two broods from early May to late June; mid-July to mid- September. Extreme dates: 5/5—9/19.

Caterpillar Food Plants: Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and other grasses.

Overwintering Stage: Caterpillar.

Good Locations: Kittatinny Valley SP, Delaware Water Gap NRA, White Lake, Schooley’s Mountain CP, Wallkill River NWR, High Point SP, Water Wheel Farm.

Comments: The rapid expansion of Common Ringlet through much of North Jersey beginning in mid-1990’s seems to have reached its limit.

Common Ringlet

Morris Co., NJ, 6/4/11, on Canada Thistle.

Common Ringlet

Vernon Twp., Sussex Co., NJ, 7/19/04.

Common Ringlet

High Point SP, Sussex Co., NJ, 8/19/23.